Gallery of Mushrooms

mushroom pictures.


So there I was just happily planting some seed’s for the allotment and a new web site  when these Small white mushrooms Popped up.

And 2 days later more  Small white mushrooms  popped up now I must admit small white mushrooms in potted plants is not that big of a problem as I love mushrooms there  wonderful but not quite sure I want them in my peas ?.

So the Big question is what are they, are they going to damage my plants or poison me, And wye are Mushrooms growing in bought compost well that’s something I’m going to try to find out .

So i did some looking around and found these little ones.

Types of mushrooms in houseplants

Parasola plicatilis , pleated inkcap

Now on first glance they do look very similar but when you dive in there are some slight differences


So if you look close we can see there are a few differences?.

Bracket /Cushion Fungus ?

Found these growing on a fallen silver birch possibly bracket or cushion fungus ?


Mushroom Pics

Shaggy Inkcaps

pictures of lion’s mane mushroom.



mushrooms in grass

Pictures of mushrooms in grass.

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