black eye avery squishmallow

 Avery squishmallow

black eye Avery squishmallow

Avery is a squishmallow soft toy, well not just a soft toy it’s a push soft toy / cuddly pillow based on a mallard duck. And is part of a huge collection of squishmallow caricatures you can collect.

Where to find Avery squishmallow

Well, he can be bought at the usual places like Amazon Walmart eBay Etsy but if? If you looking for a good choice and different sizes click the pick below now.

Avery Squishmallow

Mallard Duck

These Duck toys also come in quite a few different sizes and styles depending on the time of year and season as you can see this little guy above as a Christmas hat on very festive.

How rare is Avery

That depends on the version you get and the amount that was made but some would say he is rare

Avery Mallard duck Toy

Avery Mallard duck Toy Come in good size options from 2 inches up to 16 inch which is one big soft cuddly Duck.

2 inch Squishmallow Avery duck

Avery duck


Avery Squishmallow 8

Avery Squishmallow 12

Avery Squishmallow 16

Avery Squishmallow 24

Avery Mallard Duck & Della Pink Duck 8″ Set

Pair of squishmallow ducks to collect.

Don’t forget there are plenty of these Squishmallow toys to choose from so once you start collecting don’t be surprised if you end up with a whole room of them.

Also if you would like to know more about them check out there are loads more info there.

When was Avery the duck Squishmallow released in November 2019


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