
duckweed for sale.



Duckweed plants for sale

Ok so if you are looking to get your hands on some Duckweed for sale  <—Click here 

Ducks love Duckweed

So this is probably the easiest way otherwise you can troll the usual places like eBay or craigslist.

freshwater plants

Duckweed grows on ponds and lakes and is quite good for reducing the algae, as it reduces the amount of light that penetrates, also can help with the water quality I have it on my ponds and it seems to do well, too well sometimes as it covers the whole pond but if I scoop some away the water look clear underneath which is better the slime green colour it was. the fish also seem to like it as I see them regularly taking chunks of it.

Growing Duckweed.


So, you want to grow some duckweed?  

And you are thinking to yourself, how do I do this, what do I need? is it hard to do? Well, surprisingly it’s not that hard and duckweed seems to do quite well with very little attention. 

Tips and Tricks to growing Duckweed. 

So, before you get started on this little project, we are going to need a few things, 

Something to grow the duckweed in. 

this could be a plastic container or a small pond that you make with a few bricks and a polyethene liner try to get something that has a reasonable amount of space and body of water for them to grow on about 150mm deep and 500x500mm in size should get you going. 

we then need to condition the water, try to use rainwater if possible, you use tap water let it stand for a few days before adding your Duckweed. 

We also need to supply the duckweed with the nutrients that it requires to grow? Like Nitrogen, this can be achieved by adding some fish water from the tank or pond, drainage water from the chicken or duck coop or a vermiculture liquid or just a chunk of aged manure. 

If you are going to use a chunk of manure place it in a piece of cotton cloth and tie it up like a teabag then suspend it in the water for a few weeks. Then replace it with a new supply this should provide enough food to feed the plants. 

So, while we are waiting for this to soak and condition cover it or shade it from the sun to prevent alga from taking hold as this will push up the PH levels and your new crop of Duckweed likes a PH of around 6 to 7.5. 

Once it has stood for a few days remove the cover and add some of your supply of duckweed and then monitor it for a few days if all goes well, we should start to see an increase in Duckweed. It’s also probably a good idea to protect your hard work from predators that like to eat duckweed while it is getting established in its new home. 

What is duckweed good for?

Duckweed is a good source of food for

  • Fish
  • Crustaceans
  • Insects
  • Amphibians
  • Mammals

And in some places it’s consumed by humans and also used as medicine in its high in protein and eaten as a vegetable it’s also Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Fungal find more out here

pond rake algae
Ok so maybe your problem is not duckweed but Coontail or some other fast-growing aquatic plant here is something that may help just a simple pond rake that can pull a mass of weed out in a short time.


What is Coontail

Coontail or hornwort is more commonly known as an aquatic plant that grows below the surface of the water it helps oxygenate and feed small fry and other insects within the body of water. And some birds will also consume it.

Free Duckweed

Duckweed can be got from ponds and lakes, but make sure you check that it’s not got any critters in it, that you don’t want in your pond, there are ways to clean it but the first thing I would do is place it in an independent tray of water and let it grow for a while, then check that and clean before placing in your pond. this way you will still have a supply if the transfer batch dies.

pictures of duckweed


green pond layer

What’s that green stuff in my pond? well, the usual culprit is alga/algae and there are plenty of ways to reduce it. But the best way is usually just to reduce the amount of light on the pond and that can be achieved by growing surface plants like duckweed.

A simple device that removes plants from the surface of the water.

ponds turning over

This happens when there is a shift in temperature in the pond when the cold water rises from the bottom to the top.

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