Belly Fat

Mushrooms To Promote weight loss

Mushrooms can help with weight loss by helping to regulate levels of glucose in the blood they are also high in protein and help boost your metabolism they are packed with nutrients including fibre.

Also includes

 pantothenic acid

Pantothenic acid (or B5 as its more commonly known)is one of the essential nutrients that helps break down food and fats into energy, and plenty of other functions in the body it even has benefits for the skin.


Niacin B3 is also one of the essential vitamins required by the body to help promote proper body functions. Helping convert nutrients into energy. possibly helping the nervous and digestive system.


Riboflavin B2 is also known to help break down food into breaking down carbohydrates into glucose fuel for the body.

Belly fat:

You are not alone if carrying extra pounds however, following the crowd is not a good idea. You have to distinguish yourself from others in being active, enthusiastic, and consistent about losing the extra fat, especially belly fat to avoid the dangerous consequences on your body and appearance. Belly fat can be a risk as it impacts the hormonal system of the body as well as a weak point for patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. In this article, we will discuss the major risk factors for excessive belly fat and its health hazards as well as some important lifestyle measures for beating the extra pounds.
There are three types of fats causing abdominal obesity when considered medically. These include triglycerides (these fats circulate in your blood vessels), the fat that surrounds your internal organs (visceral fat) such as the liver, kidney, stomach, and intestine, and the third one is subcutaneous (the layer of fat above the abdominal muscle but below the skin). Subcutaneous fat is a major contributor to belly fat

What causes belly fat?

Multiple factors are involved to cause excess belly fat. Diet and sedentary lifestyle are the major risk factor in this regard. Some of these are:
A poor diet such as a low protein and high carbs diet, surgery drinks, and trans fats
Too much alcohol
Lack of regular exercise
Stressful life
Sleep imbalances
Excessive smoking
These factors when present much be counselled and eradicated.

How dangerous is belly fat?

Belly fat is just not a cosmetic issue, it has devastating impacts on your health and wellbeing. Excess belly fat deranges your hormones, impacts your major organs ‘functions, and causes diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Excessive triglycerides are the major factor causing insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes. These fats can also block your blood vessels initiating a phenomenon called atherosclerosis and interrupting the blood supply to your major organs including the heart and brain.
What is Ascites and how it is different from belly fat?
Ascites is a general term for the presence of excessive fluid in the peritoneal cavity (that surrounds your gastrointestinal tract and abdominal organs). Ascites are the consequence of certain disorders such as liver, kidney, and cardiovascular diseases. Liver cirrhosis is the major cause of ascites in patients with chronic liver disease. Similarly, heart and kidney failure can also cause the build-up of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Ascites can be differentiated from belly fat by medical examination and certain lab tests. On physical examination, your doctor may look at the shape of your abdomen, the sound of percussion, and tapping to differentiate ascites from abdominal obesity. Certain lab tests are conducted for the suspected diagnosis of liver, kidney, or heart disease as the cause of ascites. Some of the tests your doctor can advise might include:
24-hour urine collection, electrolytes levels, and renal function tests for accessing the kidney’s functions
Liver functions test
Abdominal ultrasound
Ct scan of the abdomen
Ascites respond to medical and lifestyle changes. Lifestyle modifications such as a low salt diet, alcohol avoidance, and limiting your fluid intake may be helpful in certain cases. Medications such as diuretics can also be used. However, the treatment is tailored according to the cause of ascites.

how to lose belly fat

Foods that help reduce belly fat:

Belly fat is too dangerous for your body as it disturbs your metabolism. However, certain foods such as low carbs, high protein, and fiber diets may be helpful to reduce excessive pounds. Dietary modifications along with exercise are the key factors in reducing belly fat. Certain foods help you in reducing your body weight and stabilizing it at optimum level. Regular use of these foods rearranges body metabolism in favour of fat burning that can help you get rid of obesity. These may include:
Lean meat
Leafy green vegetables, green tea
Fibre-rich foods such as chia seeds and psyllium husk
Healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids
Apple cider vinegar
Fruits (Raspberries, apples, avocados, etc)
Greek yogurt

Belly fat removal:

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most common causes of excessive belly fat. An individual with a sedentary lifestyle burns fewer calories than he consumes, so the excess then accumulates in the body in the form of fat leading to overweight and obesity. Moderate physical exercise daily like walking, running, swimming for at least half an hour helps maintain a healthy weight. Other lifestyle modifications for reducing your belly fat may include:
Avoid sedentary lifestyle
Regular physical exercise and strength training
Maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle
Eating well-nourished foods and avoiding junk foods
Limit your alcohol consumption and high calories beverages
Eat a diet rich in fibers
Choose healthy carbs
Keep track of your eating habits

Non-Surgical Methods for removing excessive belly fats:

No-surgical methods of belly fat removal are more popular these days as these improve the body contours without surgery and scars. In non-surgical methods, little to no downtime is required and there are fewer complications. Some of the common methods are:
Cryolipolysis (using extreme cold to destroy fat cells)
Laser treatments
Injectable deoxycholic acid
Ultrasound fat reduction
Red light therapy

Surgical methods for removing excessive belly fats:

Sometimes, diet and exercise-resistant fat require cosmetic surgery. Some of the popular surgical methods for removing excessive belly fat may include:
Tummy tuck (tightening the loose skin on the abdomen)
Cool Sculpting
Surgical methods like liposuction are ideal for reducing excessive deposits of fats, however, these methods are costly and come with complications of their own. While non-surgical methods are excellent if you have an ideal weight and want to target smaller and stubborn trouble spots of fat deposits.



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